Thursday, 11 January 2018


Image result for richard dyer

Dyer suggested that audiences turn to the media to make up for some of the deficiencies they inherent in everyday life. Through adverts this can be intentionally followed as adverts may glamour the life style of those presented in the adverts, they may make the audience feel as if they buy the product they may become superior to others or part of the superior group illuminated in the advert.  Dyer explained that the media provides people with a form of diversion to allow them to escape from their 'dull' 'ordinary' lives. Each advert that an audience may relate to allows them to feel an emotion of escapism. 

"The notion of entertainment as in some sense Utopian - expressing ideals about how human life could be organised and lived - is implicit in what the most widespread assumption about entertainment, namely, that it provides escape." 

Dyer suggests three reasons that reality generates for audiences to consume media:

1. Social tension
2. Inadequacy
3. Absence


This table represents how Dyer outlines his key idea on separating his reasons for audiences accessing entertainment and the Utopian solutions that utopia provides, it shows how it responds to real needs created by society.

1 comment:

  1. Proficient understanding, by applying this to existing adverts would expand this to excellent
